Geoscience Sample Papers and Sampler Notes

For Second Years (or curious first years)Geoscience sample exam 2Geoscience sample exam 1Geoscience notes

Cloughjordan, Desirable Future!

The big question,

had all the talking led to nothing? Was there really nothing we could practically do without some huge super Government intervention?

Was our plight as hopeless as we felt?

Enter our trip to Cloughjordan

Project and Poster updated

Presentation for SD


Building Green

This is hopeful, positive and after lots of doubt, a breath of fresh air

Killing Me

someone said to me that, the best thing that a person can do for the environment is to kill themselves.

(wow really?)

People are so hung up on trying to become carbon neutral, how hard would it be to be Carbon Positive (reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, it sounds better then carbon negative)

so that the best thing a person can do for the environment would be to live, and live really long! 🙂

Sustainability Metrics

These lectures were really good, i thought, because after all the talk i went away and checked out the websites that were suggested and they are REALLY interesting.

This gave me my personal environmental impact which for transport was



oil spills








2853.08 0.0233 15.14 1.29 5.91

I also learnt that i use about 58809.22 litres of water a year..

if i add the amount of water that i was responsible for wasting in my house then


you need a zip code for the lowimpactliving website, so that wasnt any good but in fighting global i measured the amount of metric tons of carbon i release FIVE 5 Cinco Cúig Cinq Metric Tons of CO2

But as we learnt in Sustainability Metrics, these figures don’t mean anything unless they are compared to, and i will aggregate my number, im going to say that since my water usage is shocking bad, but my carbon usage is ok-ish, that ill be a 72 on a scale of 0 to 100 where zero is Neutrality and 100 is Unsustainability.

Comments very welcome

Putting the

Putting the LSD in ULSD

Shocking Bad Water Usage

So in my house in Mallow, in the downstairs bathroom, there is a drip in one of the taps.

Its so quite and unnoticeable that its been dripping like that for about a year.
Now we all realize that this is a waste of waster and that we should just get it fixed, but we just never get around to it..

Now tonight, out of curiosity, i decided to see how much water was being wasted,
So i put a jug under the tap and after a minute i measured how much water had been gathered.
Turns out there was a litre every 75 seconds.. That sound like a lot, and every day there is 1152 litres, and after a year?
that is terrible, thats as much as
5.5 olympic swimming pools.

now, if that is in my house, and im studying sustainable development, how many other houses is water being wasted in??
Maybe we SHOULD charge for water, it would bring wasteful use of water into sharper focus..

Tax Project for Mr. Kinsella

TAX PROJECT from the mofo projects mannnn

Killian Spiel

Yesterday, Stephen gave what i thought was an EXCEPTIONAL lecture, good man Stephen, and out of it, i remembered what i hadn’t thought of for a while, of what a great opportunity we have studying Energy science!

Like he was getting at, we are going to be the first generation of the blocks in Ireland at this whole Energy business..

We have a golden opportunity to get ahead of the pack

We have a golden opportunity to lay down the tracks for every other year from now on!


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